Our mission is to provide scholarships to individuals who are pursuing education in the mental health field to assist them in reaching their career goals. Our intention is to increase the number of mental health professionals who will serve their communities and offer quality mental health support to those in need.


There is great demand in the health care industry for professionals dedicated to helping those with mental illness.

At the same time, those coping with mental illness often discover that they face special challenges when they seek educational opportunities.


The SRB Philanthropy Corp aims to address these needs by providing educational programs on current mental health and mental wellness issues as well as awarding scholarships for those in or entering the mental health field.


The 1st Annual SRB Golf Classic

Join us on September 30th, 2024 for “Fairways to Futures in Mental Health”, an 18-hole scramble format golf tournament.

You can register as a guest. Or you can join us as a sponsor.

My Branding Squad Marketing Event